Retailers in Dumfries will be benefiting from a programme of specialised Shop Doctor support funded by Dumfries & Galloway Council.
Our Shop Doctor, Bill Smith, will be delivering one of his motivational and informative retail masterclass workshops to retailers on the evening of Tuesday 20th March at the DG One Leisure Complex
In addition to the masterclass 12 independent retailers in the town will be given the opportunity to receive an ‘in store’ surgery from The Shop Doctor enabling them to directly benefit from his specialised advice.
Each of the twelve shops enrolled for ‘one to one’ visits will also receive a comprehensive recommendations report focused on helping re-energise each of the individual businesses taking part and will also be eligible for a £500 grant towards implementation of recommendations made by the Shop Doctor. A follow-up visit with the Shop Doctor will also be arranged 12 months later.
Further information about the retail workshop and the specialised ‘one to one’ Shop Doctor visits will be posted below as soon as it becomes available:
6th March 2012: Dumfries & Galloway Council
22 February 2012: South of Scotland Business Solutions
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