Another very interesting day spent in Dumfries on Thursday 19th April meeting with four businesses for the first time, and looking in on some of those visited previously.
Good to see that some of my initial recommendations have already been acted upon and that they have had a positive impact on the businesses concerned, hopefully even more activity once each have received a ‘Shop Doctor Recommendations Report’.
The new Debenhams Store is moving towards completion and this should help to regenerate activity at the north end of High Street, potentially delivering increased footfall into Friars Vennel from those parking at White Sands and walking into the Town via the Vennel, a way needs to be found to encourage this opportunity.
The great range of small independent shops operating in Friars Vennel, historically a route linking the town with the river crossing that developed over time into an important shopping street, are well placed to take advantage of any increased footfall and it would only take the reoccupation of a number of the presently empty shop units to help revitalise this important end of the Town.
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